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PRA's Zoning and Land Use practices are widely recognized by developers and municipal officials as leaders in the field of zoning and land use planning. We assist with zoning compliance, change of land use, license, building plans, Environment clearances, Consent to establish, Labour licenses, Environment compliances, Fire scheme & NOC, Occupancy Certificate, Consent to operate, etc. 


Our clients include major fund companies and national developers involved in the development of warehousing & Industrial parks, IT/ITES SEZ, Residential Township, Group Housing, Commercial, etc. We also represent cities and municipalities in zoning, land use, condemnation matters, and revisions to master plans and zoning ordinances.

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Our services include: 

Pre-acquisition counselling 

Approaching Town Planning / municipalities and regulatory agencies 

Structuring the approval process 

Technical Due diligence Report

We advise clients prior to their land acquisition on potential zoning and land use regulatory issues possibly in development. Land use regulations may create significant barriers to obtaining regulatory approvals and necessary financing. We review land use regulations, determine the impact on clients’ plans, and provide counsel on whether they should acquire the land. During the acquisition process, we help shape the specific form of the development and the approach to the regulatory agencies. We can also assist clients in including protective provisions in their purchase agreements.

We work with municipalities and regulatory agencies on a non-adversarial basis to obtain the approvals needed to accomplish a client’s objectives. Our working relationships with local officials help us achieve those objectives in a timely manner. When the approval process also involves working with neighbourhoods’ and citizens’ groups, we assist our clients with these efforts.

We counsel our clients and help them structure and direct the approval process. When alternative approaches are possible, we advise on the best approach and work with town planning & municipal officials to pursue it. We are also able to work with local officials to expedite the approval process when needed.

Team well versed with development bylaws in concerned states and able to provide full proof with risk & mitigation technical clarity on land to be develop or developed project/under developed project.

Why Us?

Client’s first

Client service has always been at the heart of our business. The whole panoply of services we provide gravitates around client satisfaction.

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